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Rick Blabolil

New Learnings and Industry Trends to Look Out For in 2022

The workplace has changed a lot within the past two years. Some changes have been predicted, but some that no one could have seen coming. These transformations are leading to several new emerging trends that we anticipate becoming a priority in the workplace. Here are a few noteworthy trends to consider:

  1. Climate Change: Environmentally friendly business practices will become more and more common. According to a recent Forbes article, the 5 Biggest Technology Trends in 2022, an increasing number of companies and people are inspired to preserve the environment after seeing what came from lockdown and the 2020 pandemic. As discussed in the article, within the first10 weeks of lockdown, the US alone saw a 40% increase of sustainable energy use. Seeing the magnitude of this impact and in such a short amount of time, it is likely more companies will work to support and advocate for the shift toward sustainable energy. Even Amazon, as the world’s largest online retailer, has a pledge to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2040. Additionally, many European countries have a similar agreement to achieve net-zero carbon emissions by2050. 
  2. Artificial Intelligence: AI will continue to emerge as a transformative force in the workplace, and ultimately the entire world. With facial recognition, and other smart algorithms, in smartphones, cars, and other devices; AI technology is only going to grow and become more popular. The increase in popularity is a result of the many conveniences that AI provides to its users. New technologies like these are making people’s lives easier and it’s difficult to dispute this claim. If your company is looking to succeed and continue to grow, investing your time to learn more about artificial intelligence and similar technologies that work for you will be a valuable effort. The combination of artificial and human intelligence will be the future – it’s just a matter of how soon. 
  3. Company Culture: Building a work environment that people love and where transparency exists is essential. According to a Bloomberg article, “The Job Numbers: Who’s Hiring in America and who’s Not” in September of 2021, the US alone added 194,000jobs, resulting in a 4.8% unemployment rate. That rate is extremely low so in order to recruit and hire new employees, companies must have an appealing compensation package, in addition to employee benefits. As mentioned in one of our previous blog post articles, “The Benefits of Going beyond the Benefit Package,” if you’re looking for new and creative ways to figure out how to build an environment that people love then contact us. It’s what we do best, and we’re here to help. 

Although, we have learned an enormous amount over the past two years and many trends and workforce norms have changed, there’s still much to be discovered. If you’re interested in learning more or want to chat with a Marketing Innovators specialist today – contact us now!

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