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Desiree Martinello
Executive & HR Administrator / Office Manager

5 Budget-Friendly Employee Recognition Ideas

The value of an Employee Recognition Program is easy to sell. But not everyone has the budget for it… then again, big budgets are not required! Kind words of thanks cost you nothing and can build community, trust, and strength within any team.

But there’s always more that you can do. Here are a few budget-friendly ways to reward and recognize your colleagues:

1. Plan a holiday-themed potluck party. Not only is this budget friendly but it also gives people the opportunity of choice. People have the power to decide what they cook - whether they’re cutting out gluten or avoiding dairy - potluck parties have something for everyone!

2. Orchestrate a raffle! Enter everyone’s name into a hat and raffle off a Starbucks gift card or offer a month of access to the best parking spot.

3. Offer a work from home day to your employees. If this isn’t possible, perhaps, offer flexible hours instead.

4. Write a personal note thanking an employee or coworker for something they accomplished. A handwritten note is a very thoughtful gesture that goes a long way.

5. Order some cheap treats as a surprise. Donuts, cookies or candy popcorn can liven up an afternoon slump.

There are countless ways to reward and recognize your employees without breaking the bank, especially for smaller companies. For larger companies that want to take their recognition game up a notch and start reaping the real revenue potential of a more robust recognition program, check out this blog as a starting point.

MI is a premier Reward and Recognition provider with over 40 years of success in the industry. Ask us how we can help you boost productivity today!