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Why Stress Reduction Needs to Be Part of Your Workplace Wellness Program

Stress is a commonly experienced emotion in business and can take a toll on a company’s success. Tight deadlines, customer demands, long hours, and feeling underappreciated—or a combination of all of these—can cause employee stress and negatively affect the organization. These consequences can include lower productivity, higher absenteeism, and increased turnover. These are just a few reasons why organizations should consider adding stress reduction programs to their workplace wellness program.

According to an article published last year by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, one-quarter of employees view their job as the number one stressor in their lives. Physical health problems such as headaches, upset stomach, muscle tension, as well as psychological problems like depression and anxiety are just some of the effects employees’ experience. However, there are numerous stress reduction activities you can introduce into your workplace wellness program that help keep your employees and your bottom line healthy.


Get Moving

Implementing light office exercise is an excellent way to reduce stress in the workplace. This can include desktop yoga, walking meetings outside or around the office, or taking the stairs instead of the elevator. These simple exercises are easy to perform and incorporate into your wellness program and will yield a high rate of stress reduction with employees.


Challenge Each Other

Another highly effective way to introduce stress reduction to your workplace wellness program is through daily, weekly, or monthly challenges. By introducing different challenges you are giving employees a great reason to participate. These challenges include such things as biking or walking to work, or eating a certain number of fruits and vegetables daily. You can even take these challenges to the next level and create a leader board within your office or department to help drive some friendly competition, which will also help with participation levels. Overall, the more individuals involved, the more successful your wellness program will be.


Create Social Activity

Employees spend a lot of time with each other so it’s important that they build rapport. To create an atmosphere of productivity, creativity, and collaboration as well as less stress, set aside time each week to bring your team together in a social environment. Playing a game, going out for lunch, or holding a stress reduction class in the office are just a few ideas that will be sure to reduce stress as well as boost morale and team building.

Employees who are stressed or haven’t learned how to manage stress can add negativity to an organization’s culture, making it a more stressful environment. Not only will the health of your employees suffer, but so will your company’s bottom line. To learn more about employee wellness solutions or to start a wellness program of your own, contact a Marketing Innovators wellness specialist today.

